John 3:30 NLT

He must become greater and greater. And I must become less and less. John 3:30

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Some Ending Thoughts and a Visit

I nearly started this post by stating that not a lot has happened in the last few days.  Really, that isn't true.

I continue to be led to walk around this community and pray, both for the people and for the community.  I really don't pray enough at all, but walking and praying has become an interesting endeavor.  You will see people as you pass them, some homeless, others in a bad state, some simply having a bad day.  Stopping to pray for them at that moment does help.  While I don't do it enough, it does help me to have open eyes and see what is going on around me.

On Tuesday I felt the Spirit telling me to spend some more time in a park nearby the jail that I posted about earlier in the week.  I spent about 30 minutes just praying and observing people as they passed by.  The thing that I keep coming back to is this:  what would happen if the whole world ended now and these individuals I'm looking at died without Christ?  What would happen to them?  As I thought about this I turned to my right and saw the prison.  This, of course, is the answer.  While they wouldn't be in a prison made of bricks and steel, they would be in prison.  And they would never get out.  The thought broke my heart and made me very sad.  While I don't believe it would be effective for me to stand on a street corner with a megaphone yelling at everyone about the Lord, it does give me pause and make me realize that EVERY interaction I have with people counts.  Every minute of every day counts, and it isn't about me.  I'm still adjusting to that kind of mindset.

So as I sat on this parkbench, I really felt the Spirit's presence.  I believe He is using times like these to prepare me and to change me.  You can learn so much in a city by just sitting and watching, but that in combination with the Spirit makes for some of the best time you will spend with God.  While I couldn't point to anything specific that He said during that time, I know He was there.  It can only be compared to spending time with a best friend.  Years later you may not be able to state exactly what was talked about in that moment, but you knew that time was important.

This week has been a confusing muddle of attempts at getting housing for our family.  We have prayed that the Lord would provide a way for us to get a house in the very neighborhood that has been on our hearts.  One by one, each and every opportunity was closed in a certain way.  The duplex that was next to the "God will Provide" sign?  Won't allow pets.  The second unit that was larger and only 2 blocks away?  A person walked in literally 10 minutes before I turned in my application and rented it.  Ten minutes.  In the past I would have gotten angry, but I see things like this now as God's movement.  I can honestly admit to my frustration at the end of that day, but I was more frustrated with the situation than anything.  I did have a sense that God was up to something and was ready for Him to act!

Our next effort came in the form of making a last-ditch effort to rent the house that we eventually wanted to buy.  The owners rejected the idea stating that they had several showings in the last week and wanted to find out what would happen.  In their shoes, I don't blame them and would probably do the same thing.

So in an effort to "save our family," I went back to an apartment that I'd found outside of town and turned in an application.  I figured that we just needed a place to stay for the short-term, so why not?  After doing that, Amanda made a suggestion over the phone that occurred to me about a week ago but that I hadn't acted on.  She asked why we didn't just ask to rent the house that was our second choice for purchase.  Good point.  Let's look into that.  After contacting our real estate agent and having him contact the sellers, we found out that their real estate agent was completely for the idea since the house had been on the market for a while.  We soon got word that the sellers were officially interested, so today I have spent the day going back and fourth with our agent on the details of the contract.  We are structuring it so we have the option to buy in place, so when our house in Huffman sells, we will officially have a house of our own in Everett!  We are just waiting on the sellers to sign the papers.  Lord willing, that will happen.

So what is God up to?  I don't really know.  What I have come to realize is that I was a bit too stuck on our "first choice" house and wasn't concerned enough about where we are SUPPOSED to live.  Had you asked me a few days ago I could tell you a whole list of reasons of why House #1 was perfect and House #2 was not.  However a funny thing happens when doors close over and over again, doors that are shut by the Lord.  Your priorities suddenly change.  Suddenly you don't care as much about where you live or what size house it is.  You just want your family to have a place to call home.  Living in hotel rooms for 3 weeks will do that to you as well.  You learn to live on less.  I don't have all of my books or furniture or power tools.  Funny thing really doesn't matter anymore.  I don't miss it.  Is it possible that God was putting us through this to lead us to this conclusion?  Of course it is!  Our job is to be more concerned about the things of His kingdom than the things of this world.  What better way to do that than to remove all of the things that brought you comfort in your prior life?

In the Parable of the Seeds from Luke 8, Jesus illustrated how it is for people who try to connect with him by talking about a farmer scattering seeds.  In the past, I represented the "other seed that grew up among thorns that grew up with it and choked out the tender plants."  Jesus explained it this way: 

Luke 8:14
The seeds that fell among the thorns represent those who hear the message, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life. And so they never grow into maturity.

Don't think that I've been coerced into this mindset or that I'm sad about the situation I'm in.  Truly I'm not.  In fact, I think I'm happier than I have been in a long time.  Where does that come from?  The Holy Spirit.  

Galatians 5:22-25
But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives:love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self- control. There is no law against these things!
 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there. Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.

The greatest part of this is that this is freely available to everyone who believe!  This applies to people who have never known Jesus (provided they turn to Him) and to those who have known Him for years but who have been choked by the worries and distractions of this life.  

Tomorrow I will get on an airplane and go to the place that used to be my home, but this time I return as a visitor.  We will be finalizing our packing and will officially pull up all roots next week to go to Washington as a family.  I am overjoyed to see them again.  This is the longest time we have ever been apart, and I pray we will never be apart this long ever again.  Married couples, being now are not intended to live apart for long times.  Tomorrow, I will be a whole person again becauseI will be back together with my wife! Those of you who know her know that she truly is my better half.

After Christmas, we will begin heading Northwest together.  As of now, we plan on moving into our house on January 2nd.  We will see if the Lord's plans are the same!

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