John 3:30 NLT

He must become greater and greater. And I must become less and less. John 3:30

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

He already knows

God knows everything.  Literally everything.  You and I have never met a person like that.  Sure, we have met what we might call a "know it all" who thinks they know everything.  But there's a huge difference between that person and God:  that person doesn't actually know everything.  Sometimes they pretend or can fake it for a while, but there is a huge list of things that they just don't know.  And they never will.

God is not like that.  He knows everything.  I'm a teacher by training and by heart, but my profession would be of absolutely no use to God.  I know a lot of science and can explain in my own way how things work behind the scenes.  But God invented all of that.  He created atoms with their subatomic particles that spin around in certain directions.  He made it to where those atoms could come together in patterns to form objects.  He created living cells that are as intricate and complex as any major city, including plumbing, electrical, transport and energy production.  He created all of those things, so listening to me talk about it would not teach him anything new.  

God knows what happened yesterday in the news.  He knows the people that were involved in that story, their names, their history, and their motivations.  He knows the newscasters who talk about it on the evening news along with their stories and motivations.  He knows the writers who post the information on the internet and their stories.

God knew who our current president was going to be thousands of years before America was even formed as a nation.  God already knows who the next president will be.  He knew the previous 45 presidents of the United States and their personal histories.  He was there when they were born and he was there (or will be there) when they die.

Mankind is still in the process of naming the stars of the sky.  God already did that (Psalm 147:4).

Mankind is still learning about the laws of the universe.  God already knows them and uses them to manage the earth (Job 38:33).

Mankind is trying in futility to figure out why things are the way they are right now.  God already knows why (Ecclesiastes 3:1-11)

God was there the day you began to be formed inside of your mother's womb (Psalm 139:13-15).  He watched as one cell became two which turned into many.  He gazed as all of the intricacies of your body formed.  He was there when your mother gave birth to you.  He knows how hard that was for your mother because he knew her in the same way that he knows you.

God already knows what will happen every minute of your life.  He can tell you where you will be 20 years from this moment, what you will have eaten that day, and how much sleep you got the night before (Psalm 139:16).  He knows about the best moments of your life and he knows about the worst ones.  Yes, even those really bad moments that you wish you could take back or that you wish would just stop haunting you.  He knows about those too.

God knows you.  He knows what your favorite color and food are.  He knows what you like to do with your time.  He knows what books you have read, where you purchased them, and who you purchased them from (John 1:47-48).  He knows what you were thinking last night at 9:14pm.  He knows what was on your mind on Sunday morning.  He knows not only what you said to every person you spoke to last week, but he knows why you said it.  He saw your body language as you spoke and the way your hands and your head moved as you spoke.  Yep, even those words.  He saw you, and he heard them.

He can tell you what was going on when you had encounters with him in your everyday life and rejected him.  He knows about those times when you turned away and decided to follow your own way.  He knows if you will ever come back to him and when that time is.  He knows about every time when you were bitterly angry with him, how you cried because you didn't understand something he had allowed in your life, and he knows when you just were indifferent to him.  He was there every time you had the opportunity to give praise to him but did not.

It is possible that all of these ideas are overwhelming to you.  In this day and age these ideas may even seem a little bit creepy.  But consider this:  why would God himself take all of this time to know everything about you?  What's the point of all of that?  Is it that he wants to micromanage our lives?  No, we have daily evidence that he doesn't do that.  Remember all of those mistakes and missteps you made?  He allowed them to happen.  No, he is not a micromanager.

Is it possible, just possible, that this God who knows so much about you actually cares for you?  Is it at all possible that he looks at you with a desire that you know him for real?  Is it possible he cares about you...a whole lot?

Think of it this way.  God knows all of your faults and all of your flaws and all of the temptations you fall prey to, and yet he still pays this much attention to you.  You might be thinking "well sure, he's everywhere, so of course he would see everything I do."  Yes, that is true, but to me the fact that he knows this much about you and I shows a God of love.  It's a love that I just can't understand and probably never will.  It's a love that surprises me so often because it is just relentless.  It is a love too big to even imagine.  While I'm sitting there wondering why he would even bother with me, he's there with open arms, wanting me to go further in relationship with him.  It's this way with you, too.

I don't know what you are dealing with in your life but I know you need to hear this message.  Many of you are weary after being in a lockdown from a virus for an entire year.  You might be weary from losing your job and being unable to get another one.  You may be weary from your past and from the tremendous hurt you have carried for many years.  

Whatever those things are, you can know today that God is absolutely, fully aware of it all and is waiting on you right now to just rest in his arms.  He isn't doing that because he needs that from you.  He's doing it because he wants to, because he cares, because he loves.  He loves you.  And he wants you to fall in love with him.

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